Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, SRES

Has been serving her local Communities since 1989!

BRE Lic. # 1061646

Sizzlin’ Hot-Chili Cook off!  Ponte’ Palmero Retirement Village and Eskaton Cameron Park Lodge present this Chili Cook off, combined with a Craft show!  This Saturday, November 13th fro 10AM to 3PM.  Location 3081 Ponte’ Morino Drive, Cameron Park by Cameron Park Drive and Palmer Drive.

It's a chili cook off!

For more information on this event-or anything you might want to know about Cameron Park-Call your neighborhood resource and resident Realtor, Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS. GRI, Broker Associate for Connect Realty.com, Inc. 530-676-4447 or Toll Free 866-333-6333.  Personal Website https://wendimae.com

Also, check out the Community website at: HTTP://www.mycameronpark.com We look forward to hearing from you-and assisting you in your quest!  Happy Holidays!