Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, SRES

Has been serving her local Communities since 1989!

BRE Lic. # 1061646

Get your home ready this Winter…for FREE!

Why pay extra to heat or cool your home?  Home weatherization Services are available to income qualified residents living in El Dorado County, to help reduce High-energy costs.  An estimated $1.5 Million in federal stimulus American Recovery and Reinvestment act funds will allow El Dorado County to expand its Home Weatherization Assistance Program to serve many more households during the next two years.

Homeowners, and renters may qualify to have a variety of weatherization measures installed in their home by trained program workers.  These measures may include window repair, ceiling fans, weather stripping, attic insulation and or minor home repairs.

An individual home assessment will determine what measures are necessary & appropriate.

To qualify for this FREE program, you must be a homeowner or renter and must qualify under the following income guidelines:


Household Size and monthly income cannot exceed the numbers below:  For  more information, call:

530-621-6150 or log on to: HTTP://www.edcgov.us/humanservices/homeweatherization







Contact your Neighborhood Realtor for any and all Real Estate assistance, counseling services, also available.  Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI-Director of the California Association of Realtors, Broker Associate for Connect Realty-Toll Free 866-333-6333 https://wendimae.com and your neighborhood website:

HTTP://www.mycameronpark.com  Have a most enjoyable, cost saving day!