Park Bark!
Kevin Becker, in the white T-shirt, is shown hard at work with Family and friends on the future off-leash dog park at Hacienda Park. In this photo, taken Saturday May 5, 2012, they can be seen pouring cement pads on which restored stone picnic benches will be placed, up and out of the mud. Kevin is one of two scouts working to earn their Eagle Scout badges. Kevin’s project involves stump grinding, trenching 1500 feet, laying the same amount of pvc irrigation and electrical line, rototilling, soil amendment and spreading 200 lbs of grass seed on what will be the large dog park area. Kevin’s Father, Terry Becker, in the blue T-shirt and Tina Becker, Kevin’s Mother, in the pink shirt, assist in managing Kevin’s project and provide support for the volunteers.
Austin Mangelson, the second Eagle Scout candidate, will create 2 signs; a dog bone shaped ‘fundraising thermometer’ which will be placed on the corner of Cameron Park Drive and Hacienda Road and another with all of the dog park rules. Additionally, he will plot, plant and provide irrigation for 18 new trees. The trees are part of the El Dorado County oak mitigation program and will replace the canopy from the 13 dead and dying oak trees that were removed at the beginning of the park construction.
The project, on land provided by the Cameron Park Community Services District (CPCSD), is sponsored and funded by the El Dorado Dog Owners Guild(EDDOG). To donate funds to complete the park, volunteer or provide sponsorship for EDDOG, please visit, email to or call 530.676.9699
ALL WE NEED NOW-IS SOMEONE TO DONATE THE FENCING! The most expensive part of the project-want to get involved? let us know! You can also call your Neighborhood connection/Resource…Wendi-Mae 530-676-4447 or
check out my personal website, or our Community website! and/or