Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, SRES

Has been serving her local Communities since 1989!

BRE Lic. # 1061646

What does the Drought mean to You, and all Homeowners in Placer and Sacramento Counties?

If you are on a Meter-you received a call recently from the San Juan Water District office…about the drought.  We will soon find out how the Board of Directors has voted, in regard to a rate hike…You could be, and likely will be paying more for your water after next month’s vote!

This is if all their customers do not reduce use by 25% or more…So don’t be surprised when you get your April bill!  San Juan Water District is calling this a “Stage 3 water reduction mandate”-they are threatening to shut off your water, if you are not in compliance-and will charge you a reconnect fee, as well!  So dont let your shower run too long before getting in-and be sure to turn off the water while you brush your teeth!

How else do you think this drought will affect us all?

California Water Use-it varies widely across the State


I recently had to drain my spa…I guess it is time to buy a new cover-since the rain seems to have found a way to seep through, causing the water to go rancid…feeling guilty about the thought of re-filling it…better to save the water for the lawn that is about to die!  Hummm…or get rid of my lawn altogether?