Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, SRES

Has been serving her local Communities since 1989!

BRE Lic. # 1061646

A new leadership Program has been started in El Dorado County-This group transforms Good managers into Great Leaders.   The importance of leadership…What is a leader?  Is a leader born or made?  Is leadership a function of one’s character or is it a set of skills that can be taught?  With the knowledge and desire to show the way, a person can be a leader.  Knowledge can be acquired, and desire is the result of motivation.  Leadership E Dorado will drive this process by intense classroom activity, participatory sessions, team-action projects, public and private entity site visits, peer-to-peer exchange, and through other means which hope ultimately promotes a stronger social and professional environment.  Want to know more?

Phone them direct 530-621-5885 or lookup their website at www.eldoradocounty.org.  Or For more information Call Wendi-Mae Davis, Broker Associate, Real Estate Counselor with Connect Realty Toll Free 866-333-6333 www.wendimae.com or emaill me at wendimae@wendimae.com