Now is the time to take advantage of the many programs out there just for first time buyers…want to earn an $8K credit when you buy a home before the end of 2009? Call me and find out just how to do that. Here’s another program that should not be passed up-sorry for saying it-but you would truly be a fool if you do!
Take advantage of the C.A.R. (California Association of Realtors) Housing Affordability Fund’s Mortgage Protection Program. The program was developed to help address first-time home buyers’ concerns about potential job loss and how such a loss would impact their ability to make their mortgage payment. Through the Mortgage Protection Program, first-time home buyers who lose their jobs due to layoffs may be eligible to receive up to $1,500 per month, for up to six months, to help make their mortgage payments. A qualified co-buyer also can participate in the program, and receive a monthly benefit of $750 per month for up to six months.
Best of all, this program is totally FREE to you!!!! Yes, I Said FREE-through C.A.R.H.A.F. (California Association of Realtors Housing Action Fund), so please take advantage of this benefit . I truly urge you to do so-moneys won’t last forever! Call me for details on this program before doing so-to maximize its benefit to you.
Toll free 866-333-6333 or email me at Check out my personal website at I’m here to be your TRUE resource, and Realtor for life!
HTTP:// Our Community website…The best is wished for you and to yours-always.
Wendi-Mae Davis, ABR, CRS, GRI
Real Estate Counselor