Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, SRES

Has been serving her local Communities since 1989!

BRE Lic. # 1061646

The top news stories start with the word “RECESSION” lately…well, not today-Today, the top news is whether or not our President can ride a bike! Ha ???? And apparently the answer is Nooooo—Now onto this conversation of a looming Recession in the housing market in 2022.

Seriously folks-nothing happening in our market today is anything like it was prior to 2010…let alone into 2012.  This is not where the market is headed-please talk to a Professional, before you take yourself out of the market-even if that Professional isn’t me…

Wendi-Mae Video Part 1 on Recession? of 2022

KEEP IN MIND WHEN YOU LISTEN TO THE NEWS-SOME OF IT IS HYPE, a lot of it is Nationwide, NOT about your Local marketplace-and that makes a difference-Keep in mind when the subject is about a recession…SOME AREAS WILL NOT BE “HIT” AS HARD AS OTHERS…and that would be our Tri-County Area.

Other parts of California-and some of the other States—May see more of a “slow down”…Again, check with someone in your local market to get the right information, that you need, to make an educated decision by.

It is important to consider/keep in mind, two primary points-When thinking of buying or selling a home—

#1 our Tri-County Area (El Dorado/Placer/Sac) is one of the most desirable and highly sought-after parts of California, partially due to the fact that we live in the most affordable area of the State-that isn’t desert land.

#2 The Tri-County area STILL cannot keep up with the demand of its housing stock.

And, actually, there is a third point~


This, I would say, whether I had been a Realtor for 34 years, or not.  This is not a sales pitch-it is a Reality Check.

I have seen the “ebb & flow” of our marketplace, for more than 3 decades-

My best advice, again, is-before you let fear take you out of the market-talk to a Professional.   Keep in mind, all the positives of homeownership…the tax deductions that come along with it, no one will be kicking you out of their home, because they have decided to sell-or raise your rent AGAIN-and by several hundred-And…there is a lot of pride that goes along with home ownership….it does make a difference to own “a piece of the rock”, perse’ ????

The market went into “Overdrive” in 2020-Now we are simply shifting to a “Normal” market-this is a good thing-It is NOT “Dooms Day” folks. 

Sellers just need to be more realistic with their list prices-the reason why homes are sitting longer and there are price reductions today-that we weren’t seeing in months past-is because some Home Sellers start out too aggressive, from day one-This does not mean our market is falling apart.

Let’s talk! 916-616-0874