Supervisor John Hidahl of District 1 for El Dorado County has recently organized a group called the “El Dorado Hills Community Council”…EDHCC or “the Council” was established to be an advisory group to the Supervisor himself. Its purpose is to encourage citizen participation in the planning processes, provide local forums to develope, propose and review community goals, objectives, and imporovement programs, with an emphasis and focus in those areas identified in El Dorado County’s Strategic Plan, namely Economic Developement, Infrastructure, Good Governance, Public Safety, and Healthy Communities; will sere as the EDH sounding board for new proposals offered by EDC staff, the community at large, community councils, and others. Assist EDC agencies & the EDC Board of Supervisors in carrying out the approved community region policies and the County’s general plan; serve as a forum for presentation and preservation of the history of the EDH area;Develope an EDH COmmunity Plan; Work with other councils and Government agences in EDC with regards to issues of mutual concern in teh EDH’s area ; and encourage participation and involvement by membes of the EDH Community in the Council’s work by developing the most effective methods to communicate the Council’s actions. There will be (7) committee leadership positions on the council-all residents of District 1. The Committees that will make up EDHCC are: Economic Developement, Infrastructure, Good Governance, Public Safety, Healthy Communities, Area Planning Advisory Committee (APAC) and COmmunity Information and Outreach. They are currently looking to fill both the Healthy Communities and Good Governance Leadership Positions.
The next meeting is set for Monday April 10th @ 7PM-at the El Dorado Hills Community Services District Pavilion at 1021 Harvard Way. Come out and support your Community and help to make a difference in YOUR Neighborhood. If you are interested in applying for one of the vacant positions, or would like an item to be included in the Agenda of our next meeting-please email Supervisor Hidahl at or call 530-621-5650. Mailing address is 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, 95667. I will be at the meetings each month, and can also bring your ideas to the group, if you are unable to attend-just give me a call at 916-616-0874.