Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, SRES

Has been serving her local Communities since 1989!

BRE Lic. # 1061646

There is so much to know when getting the information you need for installing Solar panels for your homes’ energy system.  Your qualified PV (Photovotaic Solar electric system) provider should be able to guide you through the process.  Until you get there…you might want to check out a few other sources-for getting answers to all your questions, up front.

THe California Energy Commission 800 555 7794 HTTP://www.consumerenergycenter.org

California Public Utilities Commission 415 703 2782 HTTP://www.cpuc.ca.gov

California Solar Energy Industries Association 949 709 8043 HTTP://www.calseia.org

Northern California Solar energy Association 520 869 2759 HTTP://www.norcalsolar.org

PG & E 800743 5000 HTTP://www.pge.com

check out my other blogs n energy conservation, and being green! at: HTTP://www.wendi-maedavis.blogspot.com 


Or, feel free to contact me toll free Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, Broker Associate Connect Realty, Real Estate Counselor at 866-333-6333 or email me at wendimae@wendimae.com  BE GREEN!!! https://wendimae.com


3 examples of solar panels, installed