Look at what is on the Horizon for El Dorado HIlls! I am both A Residential Sales Broker/Counselor for Connect Realty…and am the Coordinator of Logistics for EDDOG-a group that has been working for several years to put a much wanted and needed Dog Park into our Community. We are excited to report that we have been granted the land! Yeah! And talk about location…the open space right behind the El Dorado Hills Community Center-and next to the Joe Ribaudo Memorial Field. All we need are the donations to start construction! for more information, please go to http://www.eddog.org or http://www.wendimae.com
Also, feel free to contact me direct at: toll free 866-333-6333 We could surely use volunteers to help out with our fundraising efforts and/or new members for our group! Also just as exciting is that we have been granted land for a location in Cameron Park…”Hacienda Park” at Hacienda and Cameron Park Drive will be our first site to open. Just takes a little bit of persistance! Congratulations to all who helped is get to where we are!