Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI, SRES

Has been serving her local Communities since 1989!

BRE Lic. # 1061646

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy can put your hard earned dollars, back in your pocket.


PhotoVoltaics: Basic Design Principles and components


If you are thinking of generating your own electricity, you should consider a PhotoVoltaic (PV) system-a way to genereate electricity by using evergy from the sun.  These systems have several advantages:They are cost-effective alternatives in areas where extending a utility power line is very expensive;they have no moving parts and require little maintenance;and they produce electricity without polluting the environment.


A couple of nearby solar panel companies are Sacramento Solar Panels HTTP://www.recsolar.com and Evergreen Solar-made in the USA25 year Warranty-36 yers in Solar   HTTP://www.suneiec.com 3-examples of household solar systems systems

Hundreds of cost-effective applications for PV systems have been developed.  In the United States, PV systems must have unobstructed Southern exposure.  Where you live, will determine the number of PV modules you will need.  In addition to the PV modules, you will need to purchase balance-of-system (BOS) equipment.  The National Electric Code cntains provisions and requirements for PV systems.

For online Renewable Energy Information go to HTTP://www.eren.doe.gov and HTTP://www.nrel.gov

For more information-or for the packet made available by PG & E, email me at wendimae@wendimae.com or visit me at HTTP://www.wendimae.com you may also call me toll free at 866-333-6333

Wendi-Mae Davis, CRS, GRI-Broker Associate, Real Estate Counselor, Connect Realty